Monday, November 9, 2009

Cuzco to Puno

Nice cruise through a wide valley that looked like the McKenzie country for miles and also at 10,ooo ft. But great riding after spending the last several days in the mountains. We then arrived at a port called Puno at the head of lake Tiicaca.
Doesn't look much but the down town was much better
that is after spending almost an hour at this stop until we split off and hooked up streets light below until we got into the town
we hooked up for the night with these 2 from Argentina who have talked us out of going to Bolivia and hooking back to the coast and into Araquipa which has the deepest canyon in the world. I'm in need of a new rear tyre and there is a better chance of getting one there also that La Paz is to be avoided.
So infact thats what were doing and more to follow....

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